Want to Know More About Preventing Winter Fires? | SERVPRO® of Anniston, Gadsden and Marshall County
1/22/2021 (Permalink)

House fires do more than damage valuable property and cause the loss of priceless family heirlooms. They can also cause thousands of injuries every year. And experts estimate that as many as 890 people die each year in winter house fires.
No season is free of its distinct fire risks, but winter does include more of them. Think about the nights spent indoors with a heater or a fire roaring, the time spent over the stove making special holiday meals and seasonal décor, like candles.
But even though there are plenty of winter fire hazards to consider, you can take steps to mitigate your risks and keep your home safer.
Steps You Can Take to Lower Your Fire Risk
It doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming to make your home a safer place for your family. Instead, you can do a lot to keep your property safer without investing much time or money.
Take steps to make your kitchen a safer place. Grease fires can flare up fast.. Can you put one of these fires out? Water makes grease fires worse, not better. Choose a fire extinguisher for these fires. A metal lid or baking soda will work, too.
Consider how safe your candles are. If you’re not home, don’t leave candles burning. Use them only when you’re at home. Don’t leave them in spots where kids and pets can knock them over. If you have problems with these basics, consider switching to battery-operated candles.
Don’t use extension cords for space heaters. The safest way to use these items is to plug them directly into the wall. Also, make sure your space heater is clear on all sides.
If your home is damaged due to a fire or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have teams who are available 24⁄7 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.