House Fires
9/18/2019 (Permalink)
House fires are caused by a number of things, such as lightning, brush fires, electrical shorts, candles, fireplaces, heaters and more. Fire damage is often doubled with water damage due to the firefighters' efforts to extinguish the flames.
Home fires are dangerous. The best precautions to take are having a plan in case of emergencies and having working smoke detectors in the home. A plan needs to be in place of how each person will get out of the house and where to meet in the event of a fire.
Fire is fast and deadly. The smoke is just as dangerous as the flames. Once you are outside of your home during a fire, NEVER re-enter the home. The smoke will make it hard to see and breathe. Wait for the fire department to do what they are there to do.
Should you experience a fire damage, give us a call. We are #HereToHelp.